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Driving Info, Articles and Videos

How to Become a Truck Driver

By SamK on November 21, 2023
Truck Driver

Becoming a truck driver involves several steps, including obtaining the necessary education and training, obtaining a commercial driver's license (CDL), and gaining experience. Here's a general guide on how to become a truck driver:

Meet Requirements: Ensure you meet the basic requirements, such as being at least 18 years old (21 for interstate driving), having a clean driving record, and passing a physical exam.

How to Drive Long Distances Alone

By SamK on November 19, 2023
Drive Long Distances Alone

Driving long distances alone can be challenging, but with proper preparation and safety measures, it can be done safely and comfortably. Here are some tips for driving long distances alone:

Plan Your Route: Plan your route in advance, including rest stops, fuel stops, and overnight stays if necessary. Use GPS or maps to familiarize yourself with the route.