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How to Make Black Coffee

By Momi on December 11, 2023
Black Coffee

To make black coffee, you'll need ground coffee, water, and a brewing method. Here's a simple method using a drip coffee maker:

Measure Coffee: Use about 1 to 2 tablespoons of ground coffee for every 6 ounces of water, depending on how strong you like your coffee.

Prepare Coffee Maker: Fill the coffee maker's water reservoir with the desired amount of water. Place a coffee filter in the basket.

Add Coffee: Add the measured ground coffee to the filter in the coffee maker.

Brew: Start the coffee maker to brew the coffee. The water will drip through the coffee grounds, extracting the flavor.

Serve: Once the brewing is complete, pour the black coffee into a cup.

Optional: Add sugar or cream if desired, although black coffee is typically served without any additions.