The Distance Betwwen the Earth and the Planet Venus
61M km
The average distance between the Earth and the planet Venus is 61 million kilometers (38 million miles).
The average distance between the Earth and the planet Venus is 61 million kilometers (38 million miles).
The surface area of the planet Venus is 460.2 million square kilometers.
The radius of the planet Venus is 6,051.8 kilometers.
The gravitational force of the planet Venus is 8.87 m/s².
The amount of time in which planet Venus completes one orbit around the Sun (orbital period) is 225 days.
The planet Venus has no moons beause it is very close to the Sun and the Sun's gravity makes it difficult for any moon to remain in it's orbit.
The mass of the planet venus 4.867 × 10^24 kg.
The top speed (orbital velocity) of the planet Venus is 126,936 km/h (78,891 mph). It's average velocity is 126,077 km/h (78,341 mph).