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Centipedes Info, Articles and Videos

Difference Between a Centipede and a Millipede

By Momi on October 27, 2023

There are a lot of differences between centipedes and millipedes. Centipedes are called Hundred-Legged Worms, have elongated, quick shape and dark brown or yellowish-grey coloring, while Millipedes are called Thousand-Legged Worms, have sub-cylindrical and worm-like shape and bright black or brown coloring. 

What is a Giant Centipede?

By Momi on October 23, 2023
Giant Centipede

Giant Centipede, also known as the Scolopendra gigantea or the Peruvian giant yellow-leg centipede is the largest centipede species in the world. It is capable of overpowering other insects and animals larger than it's own body size. It is venomous as well and one human died because of the venom of giant centipede In 2014.

The scientific classification of the giant centipede is as follows: