Top Speed of the Planet Pluto
The top speed (orbital velocity) of the planet Pluto is 22,003km/h (13,675 mph). It's average velocity is 16,797 km/h (10,439 mph).
The top speed (orbital velocity) of the planet Pluto is 22,003km/h (13,675 mph). It's average velocity is 16,797 km/h (10,439 mph).
Top speed of Bell UH-1 Iroquois helicopter is 204 km/h (127 mph). It has a cruising speed is 204 km/h.
The top speed (orbital velocity) of the planet Venus is 126,936 km/h (78,891 mph). It's average velocity is 126,077 km/h (78,341 mph).
Top speed of GLOCK 19 pistol bullet (muzzle velocity) is 375 m/s (1,230 ft/s).
One of the fastest train is the Shanghai Maglev train, which can reach a top speed of 431 km/h (268 mph).
The top speed (orbital velocity) of the planet Urans is 25,668 km/h (15,952 mph). It's average velocity is 24,444 km/h (15,192 mph).
Top speed of Kawasaki Z650 is 212km/h (131mph).
The orca or killer whale has a top speed of 56 km/h (34.8 mph). It is the second fastest marine mammal.
Top speed of Gamo Shadow 1000 airgun pellet is 240 m/s, 268 m/s and 386 m/s for 4.5 cal, 5.5 cal, 6.35 cal respectively.
F-22 can reach the maximum speed of 2,414 km/h or Mach 2.2 with afterburners.