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What is a Caribou?

By SamK on January 18, 2024

Caribou, also known as reindeer in Europe, are large, hoofed mammals that belong to the deer family (Cervidae). They are known for their migrations across the tundra and boreal forests of the Arctic and Subarctic regions. Caribou are unique among deer species for having both males and females grow antlers. Their classification can be summarized as follows:

Classification of the Caribou:

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Cervidae
Genus: Rangifer
Species: Rangifer tarandus

Caribou are adapted to cold environments and have thick fur coats and a layer of fat to help insulate against the cold. They are also known for their long migrations, which are among the longest of any terrestrial mammal.