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How to Make Eyeliner Look Soft

By KaleemK on March 07, 2024

To make your eyeliner look soft, follow these steps:

Choose the Right Eyeliner: Opt for a soft pencil, gel, or eyeshadow instead of a harsh liquid liner.

Warm Up the Product: If using a pencil or gel liner, warm it up on the back of your hand before applying. This helps soften the texture.

Use a Light Hand: Apply the eyeliner with a light hand to create a thin, soft line. Start thin at the inner corner and gradually thicken the line towards the outer corner.

Blend with a Brush: Use a small, angled brush to gently smudge the eyeliner for a softer, more diffused look.

Set with Eyeshadow: To further soften the eyeliner, set it with a matching eyeshadow using a small brush. This helps blend the liner seamlessly into your eyeshadow.

Avoid Harsh Lines: Make sure to blend out any harsh lines or edges for a soft, smoky effect.

Experiment with Colors: Consider using brown or taupe eyeliner for a softer look than traditional black.

Finish with Mascara: Complete your look with a coat of mascara to define your lashes and balance the soft eyeliner.